With so many different theories, methods and conflicting studies, it’s hard to know what is right and what is wrong when it comes to training and working out for weight loss.
The truth is that different kinds of training work differently for each person; personality, body type and mental toughness are all factors which play a vital role in a successful workout regime. Not to mention consistency! It is thought that circuit style training is the best way to cover all aspects that are important to weight loss. Here is an idea from a trainer friend of mine for a great circuit using minimal equipment (so you can do at home no gym needed).
400m jog/sprint/row or 1km bike sprint or 2 min stair climb
12 push ups
12 squat jumps (or squats)
20 walking lunges (10 on each leg)
30 seconds Chair wall hold
12 tricep dips
30 core climbers
1 min plank
The aim is to do the full circuit without resting between exercises. Do the circuit without any rest between each exercise, but once you have completed the circuit have a 2 min rest, or longer if you need, and then repeat 3 or 4 times. Depending on your long-term plan, you can use this circuit as a foundation and modify it to what suits your goals and body type.
If you want to get:
Use weights with squats and lunges, increase resistance on bike or use incline with treadmill
Increase the reps and don’t use weights, sprint whether it be on the bike/treadmill/stairs
Really try and manage your breathing. Between exercises and sets, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, consciously trying to slow your heart. The quicker you can slow down your heart rate, the more efficiently your body will recover and you will slowly need less and less time to recover.
It’s important to remember with weight loss that any movement is good and consistency is really the key. The most important tool is just movement every day.
Now if you’re not a fan of intensity exercise or simply just prefer a gentler but still very effective approach then there are other forms of movement you can do. Walking your dog, briskly power walking, gentle jogging, swimming, yoga, stretching, pilates are all brilliant examples of a slower paced form of exercise that can still have huge benefits when performed consistently daily. 30 mins a day. Simple walking does wonders for your mental health as well as physical. It's a great act of self-care, helps to stimulate your lymph nodes, it’s great for overall strength, flexibility, as well as boosting your immune system.