Earth grounding is an incredible ancient and holistic practise, and the term represents ‘’The process of absorbing earth's free-flowing electrons from its surface through the soles of your feet’’. It's quite literally walking barefoot on the ground! It can be dirt/soil, grass or woodland, streams, lakes, water, or even sand on a beach. It's very therapeutic and the benefits include reduction in stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, grief and inflammation. It can also be known to do wonders for circulation, muscle and joint aches and regulating blood pressure. So, It's great for physical and mental wellbeing alike.
Our bodies are electrical beings and it’s because our bodies are electrical that humans are so vulnerable from even very low levels of EMF radiation. Our body transmits and receives electrical signals in our nervous system to regulate each of our functions- they are critical to our health- the nervous and cardiovascular systems are two perfect examples of this. Earth grounding can help to reverse this damage.
Studies support the concept that the Earth's electrons induce many physiological changes, including reduced pain, better sleep, a shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic tone in the autonomic nervous system, and a blood-thinning effect.
One of the easiest ways to start earth grounding is to get outside barefoot on the grass or soil, just make sure it is natural earth and not man made. (Fake grass doesn’t count!) You can also use other body parts for grounding like the palms of your hands.
Focus on your breathing and connect with all areas of your body becoming aware of each body part, muscle and organ. Start at the top and work your way down until you reach your toes, this helps to centre the mind and relax the nervous system. You can walk around or simply stand still whatever you feel most comfortable with.