Anxiety is one of the most common emotions felt now more than ever. This was particularly heightened during covid and lockdown but still this is a huge mental health disorder that many people live with daily because they accept it is the norm. It can be highly treatable but it must be acknowledged and addressed first, finding the root cause of anxiety is the best place to start.
- Diet, environment and sleep quality can all contribute. What we eat, how we live, how we treat ourselves and others and who we surround ourselves with play a massive part in anxiety levels.
- Nourish yourself. DO NOT starve yourself, eat enough, and do the right stuff. Your plate should be 50% plants- veggies, salads, root veggies, and the rest is made up of good quality organic proteins, carbs and healthy fats. Remove anything from your diet that isn't a whole food; processed ready meals, sweets, crisps, cakes, pastries, alcohol (big one for anxiety)
- Getting fresh air outside daily can drastically shift your emotions. Try deep belly breathing while you are out and fill up your lungs.
- Move daily, just a 30 minute walk will do wonders if you have time for nothing else. I do find a light run or some gentle yoga really helps me when i'm feeling overwhelmed and I feel anxiety creeping in.
- Get enough sleep, this is so crucial! Easier said than done I understand but there are things you can do to help aid some god sleep. I switch off my phone and laptop 2 hours before bed, I don't drink caffeine after 10am, I drink 2 cups of camomile tea after dinner and try and prioritise a warm epsom salt bath before bed with a few drops of lavender.
- A morning meditation can really set the day ahead. Before the house wakes up even if you have a few minutes, closing your eyes, breathing deeply and visualising how you'd like your day to pan out is a really powerful way to start. This is particularly useful if your anxiety is stemming from a work environment situation.
- Talk to someone, make sure there are people who know how you feel and now what you are going through. This could be family, close friends or a professional.
- Supplement wisely- Magnesium, ashwagandha, good quality fish oil, 5-htp, probiotics would be in my tool box for coping with anxiety alongside addressing diet and lifestyle.
Depression can affect you for days, weeks, years and for some sadly there whole lifes. It is a mental health disorder that I think thankfully is finally being treated with the seriousness it deserves. There are things that you can do for yourself that may help you from day to day.
- Talking to someone, a trusted therapist and family members should be your first port of call.
- Take a serious look at your diet, if you're not eating real food and surviving on processed rubbish your body simply cannot function properly. Eat only whole foods. Your brain needs fats to survive so be sure you are eating ample amounts of them- avocados, organic olive oil, coconut/organic greek yoghurt, nuts and seeds, wild salmon/oily fish. This is definitely not the time to be skimping on meals.
- Meditate daily, morning and evening. Carve out a few minutes for yourself to just be still and focus on your breath.
- Supplement with st john's wort (wonderful for treating bouts of depression I like tincture form as its so bioavailable) probiotics, fish oil, 5-htp and magnesium for your nervous system.
- Take up walking, slow gentle movement can really help to shift feelings and take you out of your head.
- If something has happened to you then give yourself time and space to grieve, talking, walking, whatever helps you to heal, I understand this protocol is not for all but for those who need some help daily these would be my go to’s.